Chris LeDrew: The Nashville Album

By on July 19, 2016

Onstage Magazine’s Founding Editor and prolific music writer Chris LeDrew has launched an INDIEGOGO campaign for his third solo album. Chris has written cutting edge articles and interviews from the perspective of a musician and a literature professor that are, some 3 years old, still in the top five articles viewed here at .  There are only five days left in this campaign, and while everyone asks for money, everyone in the music business knows the artist is the last one paid, if he or she is paid at all. Please join us in supporting Chris with any help you can provide. Remember, this is NOT a donation, you always get something in return. You can get an advance download for $10 CAD, (about $7.65 USD), or even have a song written specifically for you, for a $300 CAD ($231 USD). Please join us as we push to help one of our own put his heartfelt emotion and words to music in this last five day push. We only need a little over $7000 USD. Sure, he’s a Canadian, but we won’t hold that against him. Some of the smartest people I know are Canadians.

Articles by Chris LeDrew that are still topping our charts, worldwide:

One-on-One With Ex-Eagles Guitarist Don Felder (Part 1)

Why Musicians Should Never Donate Their Talents

Chris LeDrew: The Nashville Album

Come with me on a virtual trip to Music City USA as I work on my third solo album!

From Chris’s page:

My Nashville Album Campaign: Beyond the Financial

On Monday, May 23rd I launched a funding campaign on Indiegogo for my third solo album, tentatively titled “The Nashville Album.” Indiegogo is a site that manages financial backing for projects ranging from new technology to new artistic works and everything in between. Launching this campaign was a nerve-wracking venture, mostly because of my fear about people’s perceptions. I felt that some would view it as virtual panhandling, despite the fact that all contributions are in trade for product, experiences, or services and not set up as a one-way transaction. The only thing that did balance out this fear was that I had funded my first album in 1997 through a similar type of pre-sale offer, and many people in my life who had intended on buying the album anyway were only too happy to buy it in advance if it meant that it would get finished. Of course an online funding platform such as Indiegogo is so much more than simple pre-sales, so it was a leap of faith launching this to the world with the blind hope that people would actually engage without judgment or preconception.

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