Hozier’s Noblesville Night: A Stormy Evening of Soulful Serenades

By on May 30, 2024

On May 28, 2024, the Ruoff Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana, was electrified by more than just the lightning that punctuated the sky. Hozier, the Irish singer-songwriter with a voice that seems to echo from another era, delivered a performance that will be etched in the memories of Hoosiers for years to come.

File Photo: Hozier, Live in concert in Noblesville, IN, on May 28, 2024. (Photo Credit: Larry Philpot / SoundstagePhotography.com)

The evening kicked off with the enchanting Allison Russell, whose melodies set the stage for what was to be an unforgettable night. As the stars of the Indiana sky hid behind gathering clouds, Hozier took the stage, and with him, a palpable sense of anticipation hung in the air.

The setlist was a journey through Hozier’s most beloved songs, with the crowd’s enthusiasm swelling with each chord of hits like “Take Me to Church,” “Movement,” “Someone New,” and the hauntingly beautiful “Cherry Wine.” The audience was treated to newer anthems as well, such as “Too Sweet” and “Wildflower and Barley” from his latest album ‘Unheard’.

File Photo: Hozier, Live in concert with an incredible stage setup, in Noblesville, IN, on May 28, 2024. (Photo Credit: Larry Philpot / SoundstagePhotography.com)

However, after the fifth song, “From Eden,” nature’s own drama unfolded as lightning cracked the sky, halting the show. The inclement weather could have dampened spirits, but the 35-minute intermission only heightened the crowd’s eagerness. When the show resumed, it was clear that neither Hozier nor his fans would let the storm win the night.

Defying the venue’s curfew, Hozier performed past the allotted time, ensuring that his full set reached the ears of an audience that was, quite possibly, the loudest he had ever witnessed. Their applause thundered as fiercely as the storm that had earlier tried to steal the show.

File Photo: Hozier, Live in concert in Noblesville, IN, on May 28, 2024. (Photo Credit: Larry Philpot / SoundstagePhotography.com)

Hozier’s gratitude was palpable as he thanked what he described as one of the biggest crowds he’d ever performed for. It was a night where music triumphed over the elements, and the connection between artist and audience was as undeniable as it was deep.

Beyond his musical prowess, Hozier’s contributions to the world of soundtracks have also been significant. His soul-stirring “Better Love” from ‘The Legend of Tarzan’ and the evocative “Arsonist’s Lullaby” from ‘Live by Night’ are just a few examples of his work that have graced the silver screen.

File Photo: Hozier, Live in concert in Noblesville, IN, on May 28, 2024. (Photo Credit: Larry Philpot / SoundstagePhotography.com)

As the night drew to a close, with the storm clouds retreating and the stars reclaiming their place in the sky, it was clear that Hozier’s show in Noblesville was more than just a concert. It was a testament to the power of music to unite, to heal, and to transcend—even in the face of nature’s fury. This was not just a performance; it was an experience, a shared moment in time that those in attendance will speak of for years to come. In Noblesville, Hozier didn’t just sing; he moved souls. And isn’t that what music is all about?

Hozier Setlist
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