HAPPIE’s “Shooting Star” Honors Father’s Legacy, Heralds New Musical Era

By on June 6, 2024

Indie-pop artist Happie Hoffman, known by her stage name HAPPIE, has unveiled her new single “Shooting Star,” a poignant homage to her father. Released ahead of Father’s Day, this track is the precursor to her forthcoming EP, set to drop this summer.

Stream “Shooting Star” on all digital platforms HERE.

HAPPIE has made a name for herself with her emotive storytelling and captivating performances. Her debut was hailed as “a stunning revelation,” marking HAPPIE as an artist with a unique ability to weave personal narratives into her music. With “Shooting Star,” she explores the profound impact of her father, a key figure in her life and artistic journey. Raised in Memphis, HAPPIE’s music is deeply influenced by her father’s role as a cantor in a major Reform Jewish congregation, blending her rich heritage with universal themes of love and self-discovery.

The new single pays tribute to her father’s enduring influence and sets the stage for her new EP. This collection promises to be a testament to HAPPIE’s artistic evolution, featuring songs that delve into the many facets of love—from the heartfelt father-daughter bond in “Shooting Star” to the complexities of romantic relationships in tracks like “Close.” Her sound, often likened to artists such as Maggie Rogers and Lana Del Rey, seamlessly blends organic and electronic elements, creating an evocative auditory experience.

Photo credit: Ann Margaret Hedges

HAPPIE’s musical journey has been characterized by her ability to forge deep connections with her audience through her authentic and emotive performances. Starting as one half of the indie folk duo Eric & Happie, known for their modern takes on traditional Jewish melodies and global love songs, HAPPIE has continually evolved. Her solo work, combining folk roots with electro-pop influences, has allowed her to explore new sonic territories and emotional depths.

Her previous EP, ‘Heartbreak Season,’ was a declaration of independence and a nuanced exploration of personal and romantic relationships. With her new work, HAPPIE continues to delve into these themes, offering listeners a glimpse into her personal experiences and growth as an artist.

Reflecting on her latest single, HAPPIE says, “Each project is a chapter of my life, and ‘Shooting Star’ is one of the most personal. It embodies the lessons and love my father has given me. Before every performance, he tells me to ‘show them your heart,’ and this track, along with the entire EP, is my way of sharing my heart with the world.”

For the latest updates on HAPPIE and her upcoming releases, follow her on Instagram, visit her website, and check out her music on Soundcloud, YouTube, and Facebook.

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